Book a Place

Bookings for this year’s event aren’t open yet.

When they are, you can book a place for this year’s Sounds in Space at the University of Derby web shop:

Two day event attendance including refreshments – £50
Student discount – £25

The programme (as it evolves!) will be available at : Programme 2019


If you’re looking for somewhere to stay, here’s a few places you could try (Sounds in Space is at our Markeaton Street Campus – DE22 3AW):

Georgian House Hotel – The closest hotel to our campus.  It’ll be the unofficial place for networking after each day of the event, too 🙂

Jury’s Inn – The next closest.  Lots of rooms and closer to town.

Premier Inn (Cathedral Quarter) – We’ve got rooms for £30 a night, on occasion.  The rooms are nice, and the building and facilities are new.